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James Sudlow

Patient complaints: James presented with advanced bone loss to the upper and lower jaw and invaded sinuses to the upper jaw bone. As a result, all teeth were wobbly and there was no chance to save the natural teeth.

Treatment plan: James had the opportunity to have fixed dentures connected by zygoma implants. This treatment was out of budget and not in line with the patient’s wishes. So a removable, locking denture system was the recommended treatment for James’ smile makeover.

5 Megagen® implant

Locking system

2 full zirconia arches

Treatment time: 3 months

Result: James had 2 implants to the upper jaw and 3 implants to the lower jaw. James had good healing and so after 3 months, his removable locking denture system was created. A locking system was attached to the implants and zirconia full arches. This means that James can enjoy a better quality of life. James’ case is a great example to show that there are options that incorporate the wishes of the patient.