Dental implants are the most preferred modern treatment method which best imitates the root of a tooth. It is the healthiest, long-term solution to several issues. Implants drastically reduce the loss of bone structure over time, providing structure for crowns and fixed dentures. There are two main methods to restore a tooth in a missing area: Dental bridge and implant. The advantage of using an implant is, there’s no need to damage surrounding teeth to fix a dental bridge. Other than diet choices, and good oral hygiene habits, there is no special after care once the implants have healed and are functional.
Dental implants in turkey, are biocompatible screws that are the best solution for restoring an edentulous area without using the support of your natural teeth. Implants have the same anatomical effect as the lower surface of natural teeth. For this reason, the place and importance of dental implants in our lives cannot be denied. This means that implants preserve the bone structure and provide functional strength. The process of having implants consists of two stages.
At the first stage, implants are surgically placed by opening the gum and screwed into the bone. Depending on the health of the bone, existing infection, sinus invasion and past extraction trauma, bone grafts may be required to increase the surface area of bone-to-implant for the healing process. Bone grafts are also used to increase the bone structure and repair previous traumas and infection areas. Sometimes the sinuses of either side of the upper jaw invades the bone structure and so a sinus lift treatment is applied to create more bone structure for the implants. A small opening is made in the bone structure and bone graft material is placed, lifting the sinus. Sinus lift and bone graft treatments increase the minimum healing time from 3 months to 6 months before another appointment is set.
In the second phase, the gums are opened to assess the healing of the implants applied. The surgeon makes his assessment and if healing has completed, then the patient moves on to have a prosthesis attached.
Titanium-based implants are placed in toothless areas or where a tooth is extracted immediately. Due to the biocompatibility technologies of modern implants, they are expected to integrate with the bone. An abutment or otherwise known as a healing cap is attached to the top of the implant. The abutment allows for a temporary prosthesis to be fitted. And later, a permanent prosthesis is attached after the healing stage. The implant offers the structure required for a prosthesis to be stable and functional. The dental bridge is another technique to use existing structure for stability and function, however, may not be suitable depending on the patient’s needs.
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